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Setting and Achieving Your Goals in a Noisy World

By setting clear goals, breaking them down, eliminating distractions, and practicing self-care, you can make significant strides towards achieving your dreams. Remember, progress is progress, no matter how slow. Stay committed, stay focused, and keep moving forward.

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Having  a schedule helps you to be more intentional about your plans and daily activities and you get more things done daily. 

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Effective Time Management

Effective time management is very important to execute the goals on your vision board and attain the results you desire. I once created a vision board but did not plan or manage my time properly to get those things done. As a result, some things on my vision board had to be moved to the following year. Why? I had no execution plan or deadline so my goals died in the realm of wishful thinking. To avoid this mistake, you must not only have a goal but also a solid, detailed plan in place about how to execute it. Use your time wisely and plan ahead. If you do not plan ahead, it is too easy to get distracted. Avoid...

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An Efficient Vision Board

As you create your vision boards, be specific about what you want to achieve. What do you want to achieve in the first quarter, second, third quarter of the year? You can decide if you want to write your monthly goals, or do a board that summarizes what you want to achieve. Do not put too much goals on your board. Putting too much goals on your board can make you feel overwhelmed. Your vision board should be like a roadmap that shows what you want to focus on and when. Make your Vision boards 80% pictures, 20% quotes, and not too many words. Make your vision board visible, put it where you will always see it. This will remind...

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Writing Your Vision

  Before a new year arrives, or shortly after it has begun, most people have some form of “New Year resolutions” - their aspirations and things they want to achieve during the year ahead. However, as the year goes by, often as soon as the first few weeks or month of the year, the desire to achieve these goals begins to dwindle. Sometimes we even forget the goals we set for ourselves as various distractions come our way. During the course of the year, we leave our resolutions behind to pursue other, more attainable goals. I want to encourage you to set your face like flint; to write your goals down, pray and work toward them as the year continues....

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